Sunday, 20 April 2008

87 plus one...

(edit... change of name by popular demand)

the dawn of a new era...

say hello to the Malaysian Students Society of Cardiff Committee 2008/2009...

come on people lets do this!!!

After exams la... HEHE!!

Sunday, 13 April 2008


Monday, 7 April 2008

when i say friendship you say????


is that a yeah i heard??? well well... i suppose the truth of the matter is that nowadays... friendships... good ones are hard to come by...

and even the good ones don't tend to stick nowadays...

but to me... that does not discount all the good times that we have shared as friends...

sure she told on you a year after...
and yes... maybe he did tell your crush that you liked him/her...

as much as these events may have marred the relationship... it does not... and will not take away the laughter and smiles once shared....

i'm not preaching forgiveness...

hell people who know me will tell you that i do not forgive easily at all...

all i'm saying is that we should always remember the times we have shared with other people... because i believe... a person... anyone who crosses paths in their lives... only if for a few seconds... will create an imprint in our paths of life...

remember that guy who told u that you had a nice butt??? (did wonders for my self asteem when i was feeling down)

and that woman who smiled at you when you gave her way at a junction??? (made you feel like you did a good deed for the day)


i've met some amazing people in the past few weeks... i bet u know who you are you HUJAN darlings... ***hugggssss***

people whom i hope i'll keep in touch n stay friends with for the longest of times...

we all came from different backgrounds yet similar worlds...

but not once did that ever come in the way of us getting to know each other better...

this project (my dear ahmad shakiran & team), with or without regards to its financial positions... is.... in my eyes a success...

because it is through this project... that we all learned responsibility, friendship, kindness, respect and ambition...

i'll never forget the Easter holidays of 2008...

and i'll most definitely.. not forget all of you...

thank you. thank you all. =)